Do I Need A Hearing Aid?

Do I Need A Hearing Aid?

We carry out a range of hearing tests that help determine whether you need a hearing aid.  Our hearing tests range from a basic hearing screening test to a full hearing assessment.  The type and cost of the hearing test will depend on the level of detail required.

We will explain your results and advise you if your hearing test results indicate that you would benefit from hearing aids.

Regardless of the degree or type of hearing loss, we are here to help if you are experiencing significant communication difficulties. There are many types of hearing aids and there will be a hearing aid suitable for you. 

For people who have hearing loss and tinnitus, hearing aids are highly effective both in managing your hearing loss and reducing your tinnitus awareness.

If you have difficulty hearing, assistive listening devices are available for the telephone, television, doorbells and alarms to amplify sounds.  They can be used either instead of hearing aids or in addition to wearing your hearing aids.

How Do I Know if I Need a Hearing Aid?

You may be wondering “how do I know if I need a hearing aid?”  There are no firm rules for when a hearing aid should be fitted.  Each person’s requirements and readiness for a hearing aid fitting are unique.

The following considerations can assist in making this decision:

  • The results of the hearing test are a starting point.  A significant hearing loss will affect communication.
  • Individual communication needs: consider the need for critical listening requirements in a workplace etc.
  • Comments from family and significant others.  Remember that a hearing loss typically develops gradually, so can be difficult to self-diagnose.  They will notice the signs of your hearing loss when communicating with you, often before you may become aware.  Be open to their feedback.  They are affected by your hearing loss and can come to resent needing to accommodate your hearing loss.
  • Withdrawal from social and group activities.
  • High levels of fatigue after having conversations.  A hearing loss causes a ‘cognitive load or burden’ – the need to concentrate harder to compensate for the hearing loss is tiring.  As the hearing loss typically creeps up gradually, this ‘load’ often creeps up gradually as well.
  • Uncertainty or anxiety about mishearing in conversations.  You may increasingly often be asking people to repeat themselves.
  • Feeling left out or marginalised in group conversations.

Contact Us

If you’re experiencing hearing difficulties or suspect you may have a hearing loss, we’re here to support you. 

If you are considering the need for hearing aids, book a consultation with our expert audiologists at DWM Audiology.  Discover how our comprehensive hearing aid services can improve your quality of life.  

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